AquaFi Testnet Competition: Round 2

Blockzero Labs
Published in
4 min readAug 12, 2021



As we approach the start of Round 2 of the testnet competition, the password on above Dapp url will be removed.

Dropzero was used in the first round to test distribution — this was a success, therefore it will not be used for the 2nd or subsequent rounds.

Round 2: Starts Friday, August 13th at 5 PM UTC and ends Friday, August 20th at 5 PM UTC

Please report any issues using the following links:

Key Points:

  • The ultimate goal of this competition is to battle test the AquaFi protocol. This is our first and foremost goal. Rules can/may change during the competition to help us battle test better
  • We will have a trading bot which will constantly perform trades on the pools mentioned below (along with the DEX they live on) — users are welcome to perform their own trades using tokens they acquire.
  • Participants may not obtain tokens from different wallets (eg entering into the testnet competition twice). This means you can use the Swap feature on any DEX to obtain tokens.
  • The ultimate goal is to battle test the protocol so we will perform as many rounds as needed until we feel the Dapp is ready for mainnet.

Pools and Exchanges (DEX)

We will be supporting the following exchanges and the associated pools mentioned below. We have created these pools and the tokens that live inside them specifically for this competition. This means the pool and tokens cannot be transferred to the mainnet and therefore have no financial value.

Round 2 Goals

Round Goal: Test the overall AquaFi Dapp, which includes the user interface/experience as well as the integration between the smart contracts and backend services.

Round Goals:

  • Test the Dapp including the user interface and experience
  • Test the Sushiswap handler — specifically targeting number of transactions
  • Test the functionality of the index fund contract and educate users on how this would work on mainnet

What does this consist of?

  • The AquaFi protocol has been built to accept liquidity tokens and pay a premium to users when unstaking said tokens.
  • You will be provided with the testnet tokens mentioned above in the section named “Token Addresses”. These tokens can be used at to add liquidity to either V2 or V3 (or both!) pools. Adding liquidity here will give you a liquidity token in return.
  • NEW ADDITION: You can now provide liquidity to Sushiswap and stake the received LP tokens into AquaFi
  • Interactions consist of staking these liquidity tokens into AquaFi via the Dapp. You can then choose to unstake from the protocol after any amount of time to be paid the premium on the fees generated on your liquidity.


  • Minimal ETH will be dropped to all the above addresses for GAS costs — if you want more ETH — use the faucet:
  • All testnet participants must visit this link and follow all instructions to participate in the testnet competition and be whitelisted for rewards. Tokens including ETH will only be dropped if all the instructions on this page has been followed.

Testnet Token distribution amounts are as follows:

WETH, value: 0.2DAI, value: 1500USDC, value: 1500AQUA, value: 3000USDT, value: 1500UMA, value: 50WBTC, value: '0.05',UNI, value: 25LINK, value: 50ETH, value: 0.01


The total rewards in XIO allocated to this round is $7,100

There are multiple rewards/prizes we will be awarding to participants:

  1. 10 rewards — Most Aqua Earned as Premium ($2,000 total)
  2. 3 Raffle Rewards — Approve and Stake in all Uniswap V2 pools (3 x $100) ($300 total)
  3. 3 Raffle Rewards — Approve and Stake in all Uniswap V3 pools (3 x $100) ($300 total)
  4. 3 Raffle Rewards — Approve and Stake in all Sushiswap pools (3 x $100) ($300 total)
  5. 6 Raffle Rewards — Each Stake action against Uniswap V2 and V3 will count as one raffle entry. Each Stake against Sushiswap will count as two raffle entries. The more raffles a user obtains, the more likely they are to win in this category (6 x $200) ($1,200 total)
  6. 6 Raffle Rewards — Each redemption against the index fund will count as one raffle entry (6 x $500) ($3,000 total)
  7. Please note this will require using the etherscan interface since there is no front end


TIMELOCK CONTRACT deployed to 0x85371B36785018d1e74C9FF7793BcC0033ab2317

PREMIUM CONTRACT deployed to 0xD283d79bbe6C82260C5732D223294E41A95e2606

ORACLE CONTRACT (V2) deployed to 0x3C5EDB4b02905bCb290Ba95eEDda7EA5f3F0a150

INDEX FUND CONTRACT deployed to 0x9052bA20daeC0F2fF4aDa73b00DB6C281a44836F

AQUA PRIMARY CONTRACT deployed to 0xfCF4be340e20c09851ac1744586543db5CcD220d

Handler (v2 LP token type) deployed to 0xB546188A20542a37A3b32E150DBeA23b02fE3850

Handler (sushiswap LP token type) deployed to 0x6d29F4F3F104e5AFa1ADa0051Ce6005d3d858b85

Handler (v3 LP token type) deployed to 0x7124cEB7db6B67b778737260e3615034AEeC98A2

Token Addresses

USDT = 0x09C2Fb39c66F213eCEaB9f75fe6fB3bE652ee8eB

DAI = 0xA77c5C8EF64b2f6168f2f0A1799eBdb011bEE621

USDC = 0x8c4D27B60CBE1Be379dBc0484735f153E0B1d417

UMA = 0x739697fF55C017448909334b5c200fE147CE8Aa5

WBTC = 0xAb17d651C12c4Ab7173694D686d6CD179C3eb11E

UNI = 0xfa9d09563e3c2f9E65CE7c1294F911B7555DA825

WETH = 0xc778417e063141139fce010982780140aa0cd5ab

AQUA = 0x8678481E19c891CA58a3962a641B2e307aabe9c8

LINK = 0x6f99f5ff7065745fec8fd83e2d06f55dd9111e9a

V2 Pools

100% WETH/AQUA: 0x642Ab64E0359ef93B6515be22D6DC371E07789A2

50% USDC/WETH:0xe9ec3032B3De1e034bEcF3db1716bfC31381766B

50% DAI/WETH:0x8412Deee71975c55D264Ed992ee9231dDD81879D

50% USDT/WETH:0x13f1318CFE529811d9e6967D246dd088Bd664A81

50% USDC/USDT:0x102006d99A530240Da9E8b14b8C1F1c29108bbAA

25% UMA/WETH:0x963C78101Ad213F6b30CE4bFBEADEB10Cb36a832

25% WBTC/WETH:0xb0eF712A0CF513A00Eab138c38a122fFCffc3338

25% LINK/WETH:0x05828d7e284ebF5f1997ea633322324EFF42Fa5d

25% UNI/WETH:0x92A0F6C15FDa113EB5A0D0ea156cdEE424c952cF

50% DAI/USDC:0x1f2e427312e867D2790D7EA7c137092A64779C47

V3 Pools (% in brackets is the pool fee set by Uniswap)

50% USDC/WETH (0.3%) 0x08130F8a9f81e4B977c7EA1a95a0fb589E8Fd4c2

50% USDC/WETH (0.05%) 0xd62582DcA0d7cD644a8ddBfe195c6Ca35103081c

50% DAI/WETH (0.3%) 0x0b896a632B7a166F28b2926f6dA09E5c9842F951

50% WETH/USDT (0.3%) 0x88edB6053E3A2C624cF3872A3b8C3A558c33431c

50% USDC/USDT (0.05%) 0xd87B5A2985DC209C60E3cad534D65Ef9B78529A4

25% UMA/WETH (0.3%) 0xBbB962eC89C5F67D636Cf2Fd0e7534740b787c0a

25% WBTC/WETH (0.3%) 0x31D626E5f61542164a86a2c985C2E14Ad8E5844A

50% WBTC/USDC (0.3%) 0x3c95b71EA9228131bA823d6F2dE43238BEc17554

25% UNI/WETH (0.3%) 0x252A575A16FFbE3B7425f3F30ECA9C3957DBF5FC

50% DAI/USDC (0.05%) 0xfBE6405f470b50272BA0AEda7e48Fb6aC6bBFBbf

Sushiswap Pools

50% USDC/WETH:0x8c9F4Abe0801c457C43E2B357AfaFf08377BdFC2

25% USDT/WETH:0x0835E52F6cc24b9aCB5C9D390Ab7c8ef2018EA83

50% DAI/WETH:0x45a7730992353e9BCda15f752aeE3b18783Ea1a5

25% WBTC/WETH: 0xa3e5b39761449c3f7aa77f3313080a0c5077c6b3

